Program Description: This program provides a series of questions to determine your aptitudes for career choices. It contains a data base of over 1100 careers. The tests and information are from the book "Discover What You're Best At" by Barry and Linda Gale. Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5 Distribution Rights: This is a Visual Basic 5 program. This program is freeware. You may distribute it freely as long as you do not profit financially from its distribution. Installation: Unzip all files to a temporary directory and run setup.exe. The program is added to the start menu in Windows 95/NT 4.0, A new program group is created in NT 3.51. You should delete the files in the temporary directory manually after installation. Debug mode: If you are an instructor, or anyone wanting to use this program on multiple subjects, there is a special debug mode. The debug mode is elaborated on in the help files. To enter debug mode, just run career test from the command line with "debug" as the parameter. Example: c:\test\career.exe debug Instructors may wish to delete this readme file as this info allows a subject to cheat on the test. Bugs fixed in this version: A career that matches more than one of your aptitudes showing up more than once in the lists has NOT been fixed as it high- lights those careers. The lists are alphabetic so these identical career titles are next to each other in the lists. The text files have been thoroughly proof-read. There may still be a few typos, but I couldn't find them. The "Unanswered Questions" button will now work even if the question is the last one. Many of the images have been dramatically improved. You can now add new careers to the database (via debug mode). There is now more than one way to "shop" for careers. You can now supress the "Are you in High School?" dialog. The program checks for another instance running at the same time and prevents data corruption if it is. There is now more than one way to handle scores that are too low to generate career clusters. The user interface is enchanced with a graphical toolbar. The help file now includes information on the debug mode. The "Time remaining" indicator is also provided graphically. A "during load" splash-screen showing an image of the book. Problems? Contact